Crow With Fish & Seed by America Martin


"Crow With Fish & Seed"
Bronze Powder Coated Stainless Steel on Travertine Base
9 x 14.5 Inches

Experimenting with line weight and function as a tool for two dimensional representation of three dimensional forms, Martin takes on a new balance between solidity, weight and suggestion. Laden with nuance, the thick lines are filled with the bubbling energy of thin, long scrapes throughout their length - adding both intensity and dimension.

Focused on the human figure and the tales that emerge through the framework of shape, contour, and formal approach, Martin choreographs her forms in relentless flux. Her technique of freehandedly capturing her subjects yields unapologetic marks and a spirited palette that hums with the vitality and vigor of the world she creates. In addition to the figure, many of Martin’s works are populated with anthropomorphic elements such as birds, butterflies and flowers. For Martin, these elements provide both a contextual source of information, as well as symbolic significance, progressing the storyline as a representation of personality, mood, and character.

AMERICA MARTIN (b. 1980, Los Angeles, CA) is a Colombian American fine artist based in Los Angeles, CA.